The giving season continued in east Dallas on Wednesday as FC Dallas and Chase partnered to donate $10,000 to the Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center located in the Fair Park district. The donation is part of FC Dallas and Chase’s 5 Days of Giving which will see $50,000 donated to five Dallas-based organizations.
“It’s a great opportunity to have a relationship with FC Dallas and Chase because it allows us to work with the MLK Community Center to hopefully open up a mental health program,” said Dionne Hilliard, Vice President of LIRA Group which serves as the fiscal advisor to the MLK Jr. Community Center.
The historic center opened in 1969 and serves more than 300,000 Dallas residents each year. It provides a variety of resources including the “Comfort for College” program which helps prepare high school seniors with necessary tools like financial literacy training and scholarship opportunities.
“The donation will also provide high school seniors with scholarships for the 2021 school year as well as laptops and other essential items that students need in a college,” said Hilliard.